EBS is short for Exploding Bowel Syndrome. EBS is a condition where your body builds up so much back pressure due to constipation, usually after eating mass loads of theater pop corn. Upon the release of this pressure, what ever is in the way (bottom of toilet, ground, significant other) is significantly harmed by the force at which fecal matter is expeled from the orrifice from which it originates.
Dick had such a bad case of EBS, the building maientance department had to replace the toilet in the mens restroom.
by The Nick July 19, 2006
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Empty Bag Syndrome.

When the bag of addiction comes to an end and having no coin for more treats. Found to be very prominent in females a few days deep
The Bro’s showing major signs of EBS. I think he might have cooked himself !
by nalyobynnhoj February 3, 2022
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I drive over the Bay Bridge to get to the EB
by norcalguy March 6, 2008
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eb meaning nothing really but the typo of wb (welcome back).
i use eb all the time now instead of wb getting big with irc a few private rooms
join -> inaki inaki@blah address
bubby: eb
bubby: err wb
inaki: eb?
bubby: lol eb = wb > typo

(inaki pings out all the time)

by chris Talley September 10, 2006
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EB games is a rundown store owned by an even shittier company called Gamestop. They usually are based in Canada and Australia. They sell video games and other video game merchandise to people. They have a secret though, they're actually Illuminati. EB Games takes your used games for about $5 dollars per game which you payed $60 dollars for. They then put them back on the shelves for $54.99. They call it a butt fucking. They also will hound you when you go into their stores and tell you to sign up for their member slapping rewards program. Usually when you sign up, the clerk will get up and slap you with their dick. You're now their bitch.
Whoa, hey guys! Welcome to EB Games! Call of Duty! Advanced Warfare! Xbox One! Copy that!
by Dinov February 10, 2015
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a small testicle used in african tribal dance. It is only found in the small tropical forests off the coast of indonesia. It is about two ounce, contains strawberry warming liquid and can be mistaken for a large nipple.Very dangerous to smell. Can cause hearing loss. Squeals when wet or if called a Monopoly.
Holy shit, look at that running "EB" go, ive never seen such an atrocity. God help us all.
by Hornet March 31, 2006
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EBE ENT,or EBE,short for EveryBodyEat Enterprise. Group is rumored to have been founded by underground rapper Yeat. ##RR Twizzy slayworld .
by youngnewgenog June 25, 2022
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