A person so stupid they are incapable of completing the action of sexual intercourse
by Alexander Sedler October 30, 2003
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someone who is just stupid as shit. aka liberals
that bitch was such a dumbfuck, that i told her thatd she die unless she sucked me off
by senorpwnage July 30, 2008
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A name someone uses to make fun of someone else, suggesting that they are being stupid.
Girl 1- *Runs into glass door.*
Girl 2- "Nice going, dumbfuck."
by MIW,SWS, BOTDF September 30, 2012
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n. an asswipe or poovis
this sucks dumbfuck
You are a dumb fuck
shut up, dumbfuck!
by Wawa February 23, 2003
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Refers to the offspring of two unintelligent people.
Billy was saddened when he found out his parents were dumb, because that makes Billy a dumbfuck.
by wicketwarwick July 3, 2013
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