A person who thinks they know everything when in reality they know nothing. A person who has an opinion on everything yet the opinion is always wrong and their opinion often changes to mirror someone else's opinion because they have no self esteem or social skills. A person who wears business casual attire to work while everyone else dresses in jeans and t shirts. A spazz. An adult who rides their 10 speed bicycle to work. A person who claims to be the most interesting man in the world when in turn all their experiences in life are untrue. A person whos idea for fun is owning an oxygen bar. A person who would attend college and not party but drive people home in a golf cart sober while avoiding attacks by drunk frat guys.
Did you see that fucking spazz trying to tell people not drinking and huffing oxygen is cool? What a Don.

Did you see that fag riding his bike to work in black pants, a trench coat and a knit hat?? what a fucking don.
by Piledriver69 September 28, 2010
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(v) To ear fuck; specifically to talk to someone for such a period of time that they feel as if someone has fucked their ear.
I was trying to close out my last table, but the host was donning the shit out of my patrons. Looks like it'll be another late night...
by sraff June 4, 2012
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Verb - The act of telling your subjects of contact the destination point and neglecting to show up, usually by taking a so-called shower, or some assinine act, or maybe someone died in front of your hosue and the cops wouldn't let you leave, or you took a 4 hour nap in your car after dozing off at a red light

example- "We totally got donned"

"don't you don us!"
by hoorayforcats November 27, 2005
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Wicked hot spot for kids in Wellington, Florida to hang out.
Girl: Hey man, you going to The Dons tonight to get wasted?
Guy:Yeah bro im going to be wicking so hard.
by Jah Rasta March 11, 2006
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1. Mr.; Sir: a Spanish title prefixed to a man's given name (initial capital letter).
2. a lord or gentleman (in Spanish-speaking countries).
3. an Italian title of address, esp. for a priest (initial capital letter).
4. a person of great importance.
5. a head of a family or syndicate (in the Mafia).
6. The true baller of the crew; a generous man characterized by nobility and forbearance in thought or behavior; magnanimous, who does it big and is givin respect when he treats his boys.
- How much did it cost?

- the don took care of it, I owe him.
by anonymous17 April 4, 2007
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