1. Somebody who likes to screw men in the shower with the lights turned off.
A. Dude Graham and Kamil totally dirked off last night.

B. Yeah I know! What a couple of dirks!
by jingle man September 28, 2009
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adj. used to describe a person, it is a combination of jerk and dork telling the person that they are both stupid and an asshole, while making you sound pretty smart.
stop singing the theme song to american idol, you dirk!!!
by Caitlin (Cindy) November 10, 2007
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To selfishly engage in a romantic, one-sided relationship with a non-compatible partner without long-term intent due to desire for companionship.

Past tense: dirk-ed
David was dirking Lisa because he knew they were not compatible but he continued to see her even though he knew she wanted more than he was willing to give. Lisa was being dirked.
by sillymilo April 7, 2014
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A useless, lazy person who always puts in the least amount of effort possible, never takes responsibility and always blames others. They very often have blonde hair, and an idiotic, vacant facial expression. Large congregations are found around the LA area.
"The only thing my brother had to do today was feed the dog, and he couldn't even do that. What a dirk."
by ha dle August 29, 2014
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The words dick and jerk put together.
It was made when my freind accidentally said it when trying to say dick, and so i decided he ment dick and jerk.
What a dirk!
Man that guys a dirk.
by Duey June 2, 2006
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Used as a versatile term of insult, a mix of dick and jerk. Effective in situations in which saying dick would be obscene and distasteful and saying jerk would make you seem like a pussy shit.

"Count Austin was being quite the dick earlier,"

"Excuse me Miss?"

"A dirk. He was being a dirk."




"Yo we gonna shank that ugly ass mothafucka"

"Yeah, he's a real jerk"


"I said dirk"

by Janice Booterman May 18, 2009
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That guy totally cock blocked me last night while i was trying to get with her sister... what a dirk!
by ConnieD January 1, 2012
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