The act of intercourse performed on a bed of grass, a slightly muddy area, or anywhere that "dew" could end up on someone's "johnson."
Q: Did you hear that Chris and Steph did the freak-nasty in the dirt/mud behind the campground?

A: Yea I heard he gave her the Dewy Johnson.
by Steampuncher December 1, 2009
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The act of dropping a liquid item over your bed sheets.

"Did you do a dewi?"

"yup smh"
by Bulls2810 September 4, 2019
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getting absolutely floored by a motorized vehicle, whilst under the influence.
did you see that guy on the news??

no, what happened?
he got absolutely dewied, tried to walk across a freeway
by jonasv17 June 1, 2022
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Unit of measure for amount of tabs open on a browser.
He opened a Dewi number of tabs and the M1 didn't have an issue with it.
by gdzilla April 7, 2021
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by November 23, 2021
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Little Dewy is a mysterious and mischievous character known for their entertaining videos on YouTube. They share a variety of content, including gaming, challenges, and vlogs. With a playful personality, Little Dewy captivates their audience with humor, creativity, and a touch of quirkiness. Their videos are a delightful blend of fun and excitement, leaving viewers eager for more.
Little Dewy is a Youtuber
by Little Dewy July 12, 2023
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