A place where bad kids go. If you continue to misbwhave in AEP, that's where you would go. Juvanile detention is a jail for kids, where you can be locked up. Juvanile detention is the worst place you can go. If you continued misbehaving, the freakin' aggressive cops would send you to a place where kids are torchured.
Guy: Where's by best friend?
Guy 2: Oh, i feel bad about him, he's in juvanile detention cuz he misbehaved in AEP. Still getting his class to laugh, so the fucking cops took him.
Guy 2: Yeah, don't trust those faggots
by ( ͜。 ͡ʖ ͜。) January 29, 2016
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An alternate term for vagina, as suggested by Dr. Jesse Parks
She captured him in her detention center and said, "Never going to let you go."
by Herman Gottlieb February 12, 2017
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Where most niggas spend their academic years
Jamal spent 8 years in the juvenile detention facility.He did his post-grad work at San Quentin.
by wolfbait51 May 28, 2011
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Similar to a detention in the fact that you are kept behind after finishing time,its a way for large multi national companies to hold employee's behind for working too quickly/hard and finishing early , usually involves some kind of team building excercise or pointless tidying up and painting .
Employee 1 " awesome were doing really well today i'll easily make it home in time to watch the game tonight"

Employee 2 " I doubt it! the boss has just given us an After work detention "
by Not a chance man March 15, 2008
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a shit whole where they think lockin you up is goin to stop you from gettin in trouble. some of the probation officers there are dumb ass bitches who think they own you. Dont let them trick you. They fuck you over every chance they get! So be warned.
serbu detention center.. paschke, frazier, willow
by TheeBitch101 January 3, 2011
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a school punishment, whereby a student is detained for a certain period of time. in detention, you might write lines, clear gum from under the table, read, write an essay, or stare out of the window whilst regretting what you had done to get detention in the first place. why might i get detention? cheating, talking, laughing, chewing gum, eating in class, throwing things around the room etc.

stay out of that detention room. its not fun. take my word for it.
teacher- i have had enough you’ve just bought yourself 2 months of after school detention!
student- not again sirr
teacher-would you like one more?

student- no
teacher- what was that?
student- no…sir
by iconic queen goes dancing August 7, 2023
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When you spill a whole jar of yogurt on the floor, find hair in your food, and realize your fly is down all at the same time
Molly went to detention for no good reason at all.
by Junie QQ October 21, 2020
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