a waste of a life. generally played by nubs who suck at cs and are looking for an easier game to play. shit graphics, crap gameplay, meant for people whose life were meant to have no meaning or purpose.
So this kid in wit plays dod and basically his life is meaningless.
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Day of Defeat Source, a game at which one particular player always owns everyone else all over the place, and that player's name is Diesel aka "I'd rather have a pony"
Diesel is the best, "Godlike" and "Unstoppable" just don't describe him well enough when he plays dods.
by Maurice Chavez April 2, 2008
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Can I get some DOD, before my well runs dry.
by Naught Ni May 13, 2010
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Sally-"Ooo. girl, whats that smell?"
Rebecca-"My bad, i just Larry-Doded"
Sally-"Thats nasty"
by bigmamatwiiggy October 29, 2010
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1/8 oz of cannabis resin.
Ian: Did you get any hash, Jim?
Jim: Aye. But Davie only had a half dod left.
by me in a past life May 28, 2006
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The upgraded version of CS Player

also see cs player
I used to be one of those lame cs players with a girlfriend, Now I have no girlfriend and I am a dod player.
by rucool March 6, 2003
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