A term used to describe someone, who having left the protection of a group of their own accord, then wishes to return to the group, only to be be rejected (and ridiculed for their stupidity).

If you leave America to live in China, and then decide you don't like Chinese food, but America won't let you return to live there, you are, without doubt, a 'Dilligaf'
Bob: 'John wants to come with us to the Pub'
Bill: 'Hasn't John got a Man-Bag?'
Bob: 'Yes'
bill: 'Then he can get royally Dilligaffed!'
by RedFaction October 6, 2011
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It means does it look like i give a fuck
Me:so are you gonna give me your homework today
by Dilligaf104 November 21, 2019
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do I look like I give a flock? unflappable

Resistant to calls for action by fanatics and haters skeptical

Confident enough in your own judgment and values to ignore reckless mob psychology centered
When extremists and haters try to excite you onto their path,
the simplest response is dilligaf.
by gaffe-free October 15, 2015
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This word means “DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A FUCK???”
Becky: (walks up to her boyfriend, Todd, who’s playing video games)
Becky: “Todd, I have important news!!”
Todd: (silent)
Becky: “I’m pregnant!!”
Todd: (pushes Becky over where she falls and hits her pregnant stomach on the corner of a coffee table)

by DarkHumoredLilly June 2, 2018
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Dildo is left legal if gays are free
Friend: “dude my dildo is illegal in school, there must be a way I can bring it and not get arrested”

Other Friend: “um dude don’t you know the new rule, dilligaf
by BackStreetBoi7 July 8, 2019
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DILLIGAF is an acronym meaning ”do I look like I give a f***”
Brad: Omg Karen my dad died

Karen: Dilligaf brad
by Omg-blankets November 10, 2019
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