1 - Yellow food on cob.
2 - Digestion timing device. Simply see how much time passes from corn digestion to seeing it in the toilet.
3 - Elvis's last word.
1 - I will have the 32 oz. Porterhouse, rare, with mashed potatoes and corn.
2 - A healthy person's digestive system will pass corn in 12 to 24 hours.
"Look daddy! There's a smiley face on that poopie!"
"Yes, son. It's made of corn."
3 - "WTF?! CORN?!?" *GASP* *DEATH*
by Kuzin Rob July 16, 2003
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north eastern slang word for good marajuana usualy used in the getto or on the phone for a paraoid dealer of drugs
(phone) yo man i need that hook up on corn this week
by Zachary Finch May 27, 2007
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Corning's a shitty ass town located in Ny.
by Junx88 07 September 29, 2007
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The thing that makes up about 99.99% of Iowa's economy. If there's no corn, Iowa will die.
"This drought is going to kill us all here in Iowa. Even worse, it's killing the corn."
by milez97 July 26, 2012
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'i don't care how much corn you got in your gun' Dave
by topboiq12 January 17, 2017
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Originating from the fine campus of Cornell University comes this unique, rarely used term. Saying that a girl is "Corn" means, she is so fucking hot, so beautiful, so utterly drop-dead gorgeous, that you would happily eat the corn out of her shit. Can be used as a great pick-up line or friendly compliment
"Damn bitch, you are Corn!"
"Baby, you're more Corn than Green Giant"
by Long Island August 14, 2004
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