When a fat sweaty guy that thinks he has game gets all up in your personal space, typically brushing up against you with his big gut in a very uncomfortable way.
by Maple wood July 15, 2010
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A combination of the words: crap and poop used when you are trying to tell somebody that you do not feel well. Coop is used when you are not bullshitting for the purpose of a) not going to school b) ditching the clingy girlfriend or c) any other circumstance where you might try to convey a false sense of illness. Coop is used when you feel so shitty that you cannot decide on whether you want to say that you feel like “crap” the more gentle “poop” and end up slurring the words together, into coop.
Dude#1: Yo man, wanna hit up the mall later??

Dude#2:....dude....i dont feel to hot...feel like...coop...

Dude#1: o man, sorry, you must really feel shitty, u cant even get your words strate!
by Blah1... August 30, 2006
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when you get a stinky ass fart and you cup it in your hand and throw it in someone's face.
by Raymond Johnson May 19, 2005
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a dirty peado that calls girls using the words 'hunni' and 'babe' in a slimey tone. he looks like a potatoe, but somehow can get a g/f =S.. this is one of lifes mysteries. He likes to talk about the size of his tool/monster/dong .. (he has a wide variety of words).. but his favourite hobby is asking ladies the size of their boobs.
eww don't touch me you dirty coop

no i downt want to know how big your 'monster' is you slimey coop
by baz__x March 25, 2008
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“Some of the characteristics you see in psychopaths are lying, manipulation, the ability to deceive, feelings of grandiosity and callousness toward their victims,”
Your pullin a coop. Stop being such a bull, your actin like coop. Coop's drawlin again.
by MickeyPoulouskin April 6, 2009
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A person who hates cats that think they are enemies and not friends
Man 1: ''Why did you hate cats, dude''

Man 2: ''I'm a hater''

Man 1: ''You're a coop, dammit''

Man: ''I'm a coop''
by Delansburg August 19, 2011
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stands for "cock out of place" Self explanatory, used when you need to make an "adjustment" in your pants
- dude, why are you scratching yourself so much?

- i cant help it man, i got the coop over here
by Myspace Joe April 24, 2006
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