Charlotte Are Peoplee Who Are Happy And Bubbley . I Know About 15 Charlottes And At Least 5 Of Them Are Mean , Others I Love To Peices . Some Charlottes Get Very Emotional But It Is Always Easy To Make Them Hapy Agian . A Charlotte Will Always Been There For You , Whtever You Have Done . They Are Funny And They Enjoy A Good Laugh There Self . You Got To Love A Charlotte , If Not Your Very Werid .
Love Charlotte
by ILoveYou12345678910 March 5, 2011
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A lovely person who sticks up for everyone. Cute, REALLY funny, loud and helpful.

She will get the guy she wants and will always be there for you. Also, makes lots of wonderful friends and gives AMAZING gifts❤️
Charlotte is outstanding
by This is stupendous 💜💖 December 21, 2016
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The most beautiful girl on earth. She has brown hair, and very pretty eyes. Often playing sports and video games, she is a well rounded person. She has good grades in school and will take advanced classes. Charlottes are kind, and help the community often. They like to quote vines. Charlottes can come with many different nicknames, (ex. Char, Charlie, Charles, CharChar, and many others). Charlotte is a beautiful girl, with a beautiful smile and beautiful personality. She is a real loveable person.
She’s so cute! She must be a Charlotte

Man, Charlie is such a great girlfriend! She is so thoughtful!
by Bobdabuilder March 6, 2018
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Charlottes are amazing people they can come off as cold hearted or mean at first but a kind and lovingg when you get to know them. Charlotte is the type of girl who looks amazing basically all the time but when you compliment her she won’t believe you. She can be very self-conscious so don’t ever tell her she’s ugly, she will take it to heart. They are smart,cheerful and fun to be around. She puts her friends first at all costs so don’t mess with her or them. Don’t ever let a Charlotte go, if you do you will soon regret it.
Guy 1: Did you see that girl? she looks great today!
Guy 2: I know I told her and she didn’t believe me
Guy 1: I bet she’s a Charlotte
by Pseudonymous Writer October 21, 2018
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completely beautiful, sweet, and smart.

Sporty, lively, fun, silly, and just plain great.
Man, I just love Charlotte because she's all-around great.
by loveyoukiddo July 6, 2009
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Beautiful funny kind girl generally known as a keeper good in bed had a good ass and legs gets along with people a lot of guy friends crazy yet chilled enjoys loud club music wanted by many
Dam bro that's a Charlotte
by Lotti123 July 15, 2014
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A clever and witty young girl who enjoys sports and is particularly good at football. She has a great taste in music. Charlotte doesn't pay much attention to what people think of her and this makes her unique and fun to be around. She has a great smile and is occasionally completely mad although you would not think it to look at her.
Person One - She looks like she could be cool...
Person Two - Of course she does, she's Charlotte!
by BananasInPyjamas June 26, 2012
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