v. To vomit, or chuck up, part or all of the contents of the stomach through the mouth, usually in a series of involuntary spasmic movements.
1. I ate so much I had to charles in the toilet.

2. OMG! Somebody's charlesed up all over the toilet floor!
by Captain Ferk April 20, 2011
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Completely dysfunctional, alcoholic, drug-addicted, psychotic cretin who frequents Internet chat sites using proxies to prevent the site owner/s being able to track down their identity, thus enabling a feeling of security when contacting decent members with all manner of gross/sick messages.
Ugh! I've just had some creep do a Charles on me in the chat room!
by Rotogravure December 8, 2010
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a short asian headass thats perverted and has a weird obsession with animals like penguins
ew charles stop staring at the naked woman!
by skrtskrtm8 February 27, 2019
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A brown haired, blue eyed, charismatic individual with a strong sense of humor. He is one of the most talented individuals out there. Loved by all, especially the ladies. Occasionally likes to make love to beautiful women
wow, i really wanna hang out with charles

charles is the most freakin awesome person in the world

i wish i was as cool as charles

charles is good at sex
by dabighoss September 22, 2011
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A big buff guy who has the emotional equivalent to a rock. He is usualy hot, but doesn't quite understand that girls like PDA. Highly intelligent, but doesn't understand common relationship protocol. He doesn't mean to be jerk, but can occasionally come off as one.
Look at that Charles.... His poor girlfriend gets no loving attention unless they are making out. That guy needs to be taught a lesson.

Don't even try. She's been trying for a while now. He has a good heart though!
by Maud Smith 333 October 15, 2009
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A.k.a. Churtles. He is a very observant person. Has an affection for Spider-Man. He likes things that glow in dark. He will thank people for being German!
Charles likes to yell whip me! While Charles friend prefers to be choked.

"Hey Charles, my shirt glows in the dark."
Charles says " thanks for being German!"
by 21hoc21key August 30, 2018
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