The excessive gore and violence on tv, in the movies and covered in media. Also referred to as torture porn. carnage, murder, torture, death, torture porn, horror movies, monsters, maniacs, blood, flesh, mass shootings, stab, shoot, gun, knife, killer
I’m not a fan of the movies in the 2000s because there was too much carnage candy for me. I agree John.
by joecoolthefool October 14, 2018
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The horrid sensation one experiences when having a bowel movement in which the liquified sloppy hot butt mud races violently towards its goal, destroying any and all organisms within one's intestinal tract as it flows towards porcelain heaven.
bro, sorry about your toilet. I experienced some major colon carnage.
by cockbroccoli June 7, 2011
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A combination of carnal knowledge and violent anal sex.
Bill: After Daniel left my house this morning, there was no doubting the anal carnage between us.
by Chrolsen November 17, 2007
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Ultimate myspace whore. Probably better than Jeffree Star. Fierce and stunning, Chloe Carnage is a household name, spanning her talent and fame worldwide. She is the new an upcoming sensation. This bitch starts trends.
"I saw Chloe Carnage wearing army pants and flip flops, so I bought army pants and flip flops"
by CRNGFAN69 November 12, 2009
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A rugged Mountainous Man. A man who has reached the utmost heights of masculinity, even towering over Chuck Norris. This man has learned every art of pleasing women, often accidentally acquiring a harem of doting females. A Jack Carnage hates others who pick on the weak, often reminding the Beta bitches who's territory and friends they are fucking with. He is also immune to snake venom. Never play Poker, Uno, or any other card game with this creature, as he can summon any card with magic. Yes, that's right. He's also a wizard. Like Gandalf the Gray.... if he was a Redneck. You can spot this magical creature by his distinctive features. Shirtless, a beard that grows all over his body at an alarming rate, a deep southern accent, and He prefers to wear a leather hat. Possibly a trophy from his latest kill. If you are to encounter a Jack Carnage, promptly offer him alcohol and an alligator steak. DO NOT ANGER THE JACK CARNAGE
"Oh my, that beautiful man must be a Jack Carnage"
by The victim of jack carnage April 24, 2022
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The Number 1 Med lvl pure clan of RUNESCAPE
Oh shit my nigga its Clan Carnage #1 Med lvl Pure Clan of Runescape POP POP NIGGA POP POP
by X Drk Ar0w X September 1, 2009
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Phrase used to describe pain inflicted upon the female genitalia either by punching, kicking, kneeing, or by rough sexual intercourse. Made popular by the comedian Tosh Daniels.
Phil inflicted some serious coochi carnage upon Jen back in the day.
by Phil_moves May 6, 2010
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