A person who is descrbied as a stupid weird person with alot of emotions.
she is emotional he name must be Careli
by blue fish baby November 13, 2019
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To throw,sling,or hit an object with no care
“Be careful with that plate” mom said
Me: breaks plate and all others
by Lukethephoneuser August 11, 2019
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Psuedo-computer scripting term, telling people that you do not at all care about the subject in matter.
Example #1
Pedro: Hey fool, I took a shit on your mothers chest yesterday.
You: /care.
Pedro: Stop trying to make /care happen, it won't happen.

Example #2
Jeffery: I'm 360 no scope master of the universe!!!!!1111one1
You:/care dude
Jeffery: HEUEUEH... i shagged yer mum
by PVCMVN May 9, 2014
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'I got shouted at by my boss this morning, I'm so upset!' 'Oh really?! Fucking caring.'

'My mum's just found a lump in her breast!' 'Caring'

'Wanna breathe, wanna grieve, wanna live, wanna give. Caring about it...'

'Caring about your deep house record collection cunt.'
by CaringAboutLife March 18, 2014
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Said when you actually don't care at all. Used in a sarcastic tone.
"Hey man, i think my mom might pass"

"Care about her!"
by Foshigga April 13, 2010
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Used to sarcastically state that you really do not care what someone has just said.
Mike: yea, so I worked out again today.
John: caring.

Mike: Tiger just got a hole in one!
John: caring.
by sarcastic guy September 5, 2007
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"#care", a term apparently first used by _mockingbird_ means "don't care" or "I don't bother". No one knows where the slang first originated from. It's adoption is not yet widespread, but more people seem to be picking it up.
Suggestions that "#care" refers to a real or non-existing IRC channel have been denied.
Notice that, often, "#care" is used by itself, use of a personal pronoun like in "I #care" has never been seen.
"Are you done finishing your work?"
- "No, but #care." (Not: "I #care.")

"I should have done that yesterday but #care"
by Macuyiko July 24, 2006
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