A really hot girl that's about 5ft 7. Great rack (C-cup) with great bust. Nice big ass and she loves to flaunt it. 2 things in the world she loves, Boys and Dogs, especially boys. Brown eyess and brown hair and legs that go on forever.
"Callie is fine"
"Callie's boobs are amazing and firm"
"Callie loves the D"
"Callies vag is juicy"
by LVQT913 February 5, 2010
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Callie is a sluuuuut
by NotAJ69 August 22, 2018
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A young female who is so sexy, down to Earth, and knows how to have a good time. She's 5'2, got BEAUTIFUL blue eyes, and brownish blonde hair, & some big ass boobs!! And some people say she has a big butt but if you tell her that she will deny it. A lot of girls hate on her, but it is just cause they are jealous. She also makes dirty jokes, can hang with the guys, but can still look hott and be girly. the perfect mixture. She is amazing in every aspect, especially when it comes to sex. she loves Boys, but she's picky about them. Also an amazing friend. She is honest and caring and nice. She is the prettiest girl who has walked this earth and has an amazing smile. She can make anyone laugh and is just fun to be around. She's also very smart, don't doubt that.
Dang look at that Callie, the back bottom and top front of her is riiiiiidiiiickkkilus!
by Her Stalker ;) March 29, 2012
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That one girl you now who smells -really- bad, but you have to be nice because you don't wanna hurt her feelings.
You:"Hi callie!"
Callie: "*weirdly squeaky voice" HI!"
*Callie walks away*
by Lainey [AH] November 18, 2016
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Verbally used to describe something that is soft. Instead of saying soft, say "Callie". A slang term.
Yo, that jacket is straight Callie, bro!
by chalicelc June 23, 2018
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Callie is a feisty but caring girl with a huge heart. She loves helping others, but will let you know when you’re in the wrong. She is gorgeous, and has light brown hair and brown eyes. She can be overly sarcastic, but is always laughing. Its very easy to fall in love with someone like her. She is an amazing person inside and out and usually has a passion for the arts or music. She will always be there for you, but if you hurt her, she will hurt you right back.
Callie is so kind!
Nobody should mess with Callie
by mycroissantomg May 31, 2019
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Dried up old hag. Where's too much makeup and smokes too much. Has absolutely no respect for herself or the people around her.
Dude, stay away from her, she's a Callie
by Blondey3 January 23, 2015
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