3 definitions by mycroissantomg

An overall beautiful girl, blonde hair, hazel eyes. She is always laughing and making her friends laugh. Callies are usually into music or art. Callies almost always have a best friend named Caroline. Callie can sometimes be innapropriate, but she has a huge heart and a curiosity for everything. Dont mess with a Callie, because she will ruin your life in the end!
You see that new girl Callie?
Yeah, shes super sweet and got revenge on Jessica for me!
by mycroissantomg March 21, 2018
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Callie is a feisty but caring girl with a huge heart. She loves helping others, but will let you know when you’re in the wrong. She is gorgeous, and has light brown hair and brown eyes. She can be overly sarcastic, but is always laughing. Its very easy to fall in love with someone like her. She is an amazing person inside and out and usually has a passion for the arts or music. She will always be there for you, but if you hurt her, she will hurt you right back.
Callie is so kind!
Nobody should mess with Callie
by mycroissantomg May 31, 2019
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A guy in high school who dates 8th graders and is a junior.
Nik Isenberg? Oh yeah he is a total cradle snatcher!
by mycroissantomg August 23, 2019
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