congealed semen or vaginal mucus in a person's pubic hair which typically peels off in leafy shapes
The citizens of New Jersey are notoriously known for their excessive muff cabbage, as they often engage in unprotected intercourse and do not postcoitally groom themselves.
by UtterlyInept May 6, 2012
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The vagina of a Jersey or wannabe Jersey Guidette.

Symptoms: generally accompanied with balding, smell of fresh gucci leathers, and STD creams. Commonly confused with an oompa loompa vagina due to it's "nautral" orange glow. Commonly has cabbage appearance due to its many layers and folds.

Causes: Smush Smush guido/guidette occurances after sweaty fist-pumping encounters.

Cure: unknown
You have a muff cabbage bitch!
I can smell your muff cabbage from Lodi.
What an angry muff cabbage!
by Vagius October 14, 2010
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A redundant slang term used by New Jerseyens that translates to "vagina vagina". It is believed the term Muff Cabbage originally translated to "Muff of New Jerseyens", perhaps because of the cabbage like appearence of the Jerseyen muffs- which is caused by the overly frequent use and abuse they are often subject to.
Jersey girl #1: You're muff cabbage.
Jersey girl #2: No you're muff cabbage- muff cabbage.
Bystander: You both are muff cabbage... its a Jersey thing.
by BiP0larBear October 14, 2010
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Disgusting sour feminine odor, originating from New Jersey. Can possibly be cured by using Vagisil very diligently every day. EVERY DAY.
omg, Pauly-D told me he didn't close the deal with Snooki because of her rotten muff cabbage
by Mrs. Crabtree October 16, 2010
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A total douche bag who constantly makes smart ass comments about shit that he obviously knows nothing about. A muff cabbage is usually incredibly short, and in serious cases, jewish.
Damn Baker, why are you such a muff cabbage.
by Scoopable Muffins February 11, 2011
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