A Process in witch a black and white image is left over a color image producing an amazingly cool effect
David Fincher commonly employs bleach bypass for his films
by Mr.scolex April 25, 2011
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The technical terminology for the sex move in which the man (or woman...giggity) pulls a girl's panties to the side for access to her genitals.
We were ravenously tearing at each other, I didn't even waste time to fully undress her; I used the good old Wilmington Bypass.
by Reeecheee July 8, 2012
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The surgery performed by degenerate Icelandic hedonists to connect the anal and vaginal passages for sexual purposes.
"She had these awesome tribal tattoos starting on her inner thighs"
"...and out her vagina?"
"...and out her ass?"
"Oh, so she had an Iceland Bypass."
by Sir D. Hicksworthy Farticus December 20, 2007
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1. The act of denying your actual age in order to give others the impression that you are younger. 2. A medical procedure intended to provide persons of advanced years the appearance of being younger.
For the last twenty years, Jack claimed to others that he's only 39 years of age, and for the last five, he's even used hair coloring. He acts as if he's had a geriatric bypass.
by Retrospect1986 August 28, 2010
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Euphemism for committing suicide, especially when it's describing a young person.
Did you hear that Heath Ledger's OD was supposed to be accidental?
Bullshit - it was totally a geriatric bypass.
by Jayfa September 2, 2010
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a code name for drinking beer usually associater with a feeding tube (beer bong)
code becomes un deciperable when enough slang words are used and plans for getting drunk can be made infront of adults

another codeword is friendship (liquour)
k-dizzle: yo devin we got to hit up the gastric bypass surgery hooked up to the feeding tube this weekend
devin: most def dude im sick of all the friendship we've been having lately
by k dizzle April 2, 2005
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(n) - A route from the entrance of a nightclub to the bar which circumvents the major concentration of the establishment's female patrons, usually taken unwittingly.
Calvin: Let's get a drink, nigga. Come on.
Leon: Whoa, whoa, whoa, nigga! Whatchu goin' dat way fo'? You tryin' to take me on an ass bypass? Bitches all be dis way. Follow me, nigga.
by Studebanger July 26, 2014
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