To have ones dick and/or balls sucked from behind while said genitals are tucked between ones legs.
Tyler pulled a hamstring last night while Jess was giving him the Bronzed Oboe.
by bronzed abomination February 19, 2015
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The art of pooping into a woman or mans mouth and them pushing the poop back into your butt using only their tounge
Skorp: We need to do something gross to her..
Tev: Lets give her the old bronze turtle bro...
Skorp: Ewww....
by The Bone Daddy October 7, 2010
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A mysterious person that no one knows anything about, except that he's helping the band Crotchduster with their next album.
We hope that you enjoyed this
Crotchduster album
We hope that you like singing along
Right now we're really busy
Working on the next one
This time with help from Dr. Bronze!
by Dorkslut April 17, 2006
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Someone who constantly picks the ear, resulting with bronze pieces of ear wax on their finger tips. Taken from the more popular phrase "Gold Digger"
"Oh My God, Geoff is such a bronze digger. It's so f***ing disgusting"

"Dude, check out that Bronze Digger in the Third Row"

"Woah! He's going for the jackpot"
by Josh the Shweff March 7, 2010
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The sort of compensation, maybe a few grand, that non-executive professionals might receive upon being laid off. Unlike the golden parachute, the bronze one will not afford you a luxurious retirement, only a little extra time before you become a regular at the soup kitchen.
"Sure, getting $2,000 as bronze parachute is better than nothing at all, but with my mortgage payment like it is it won't be long before I come crashing through the roof of the homeless shelter."
by Mr. Cassidy Pace Rush November 24, 2008
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General speech about how it's never the speaker's fault, but everyone else's. Usually reflects people who are bronze tier players in video games, but can also reference plebs, blame pushers, excuse makers, or otherwise lamers.
"Sorry I'm late, I would have woken up on time but my roommate didn't set my alarm to ring"

"Sounds like bronze talk to me."
by RnJ Saisei April 26, 2017
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A way to describe how intoxicated, or high one is.
Man, remember those days we used to get hella bronze?
by BigD Couch March 23, 2011
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