ASCII 91 and 93 (and hence U+005B and U+005D). Used in matching pairs to denote stage directions in a play or additions to a quotation. In programming languages with C-like syntax, square brackets typically enclose array subscripts. In mathematics, their most frequent use is to denote closed intervals of real numbers. On Urban Dictionary, because they're used for markup and there are no escape sequences, opening square brackets can never appear in the text of a definition.
The standard QWERTY keyboard makes square brackets easier to type than parentheses, which is pretty silly considering how much more common parentheses are.
by Subsequence February 17, 2010
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Pertaining to the dating rule of "Half your age plus seven" to denote potential mates of a socially acceptable age. Those within an acceptable age range for engaging in an intimate relationship with.
Mary: Check out those hot guys outside of the University Centre...

Janine: No way man. Those guys are in first year. Completely out of your snack bracket.
by Valstar June 18, 2010
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A very loose boundary. A limit that can be stretched like taffy. Usually used to describe financial ambiguity.
Well, since I'm making some where between zero and nothing, my income is kind of on a taffy bracket right now.
by java monster February 25, 2008
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a person who is not interested in sports but participates in March Madness brackets for boastful bragging rights.
Sheila doesn't ever care about basketball or any sport, but every year she does a bracket that throws all of the real basketball fans off by taking the lead every time. I don't know how she does it but she is ruining the game for us all! She's a total bracket-troll!
by reginamicia March 21, 2015
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Bracket worthy” (insult) - something that was unnecessary in a sentence or something that did not need to be said.
Person 1: Lol that guy’s stupid, just like Person 2

Person 2: Dude, that was bracket worthy
by Atlazoid October 30, 2022
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a key on the keyboard that the Urban Dictionary HATES
In the boxes below, link to other words with square brackets. For example, booty will become booty.
by osososososososomom April 8, 2019
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