A complete tool. Someone who is somewhere between a tit and a ball sack.
Rob stuck his pecker in a prossie and got knob rot. What a twat bracket!
by Nick the bad-ass May 2, 2006
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Groups of specially selected people in your cell phone book in which you customize texts for at holidays or special events.

At Christmas, you might send a "Merry Christmas, cutie" to old hook-ups or "plan b - back-up" hook-ups in your life,

while you might send a "Happy Holidays, I love you" to only your close friends and family.

"Happy Hanukkah" might go to a text bracket of your Jewish friends.

These three types of scenarios are different "text brackets".

Which text bracket do you fall into in your friends lives?
by Bonnie Sicora & Bobby Cipolla December 28, 2007
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1) n; Mechanical device used by heavily overweight or obese women for recreational love-making or reproduction, with the purpose of holding excess fat away from the labia to allow penetration of the penis. Potentially fatal to second party if maximum gross weight (MGW) is exceeded; Coroner's report usually reads "Consumption" or "Absorption". C.f. Hi-Lift Jack.

2) n; Insult.
1)"I'm feeling hot Anne, put down your Big Mac and get out your fadge brackets."

2)"Shut up you fadge bracket."
"Fuck off you knob cheese licker."
by King of Badgers March 7, 2005
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The level one fits in pertaining to the Social, Spiritual and Economic Hierarchy of Human Beings.
Think of each class as a credit score. Individually they equal a result, but it's the combined average that counts.
ie: In the time of Jesus Christ's lifespan, he had a Class Bracket score of 600/1000 due to his high spiritual and social scores, but is dropped down significantly in the average because of his low economic score. Granted, he didn't care for money, but with it his influence could have been immediate, instead of hundreds of years later.
by JordanTheDollarBill November 3, 2011
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1. Arse, usually that of a female.

2. The foot rest in a car that the left foot can be placed on after changing gear, so that it is not hovering over the clutch pedal. Derived from when one is driving and feels a fart brewing, one can press down with the left foot on the farting bracket so as to raise the left arse cheek to let the fart escape unhindered.
Hey mate, check out the farting bracket on that bitch!

Hey lads, I'm gonna slip her one up the farting bracket tonight!

I just love my new car, it even has a farting bracket.
by Teknotrix October 16, 2009
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in the business or finance world, refers to the "heavy-hitters" or "top-dogs", the players who have the money, power, and prestige
Upon closing the multi-billion dollar M&A deal, Alex had officially entered Wall Street's bulge bracket.
by slinkerseven September 29, 2006
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