verb. English slang terminology having the meanings: 1. To take, to consume. 2. Used to mark the occurance of something. 3. To strike or impact.
1. "yeah mate, I boshed about 15 beans last night... I was well fucked"
2. "I was just sitting there at work, when bosh! ... the phone rang and there she was..."
3. "He just ran up to the geezer and boshed him in the face with a bottle of stella"
by Olly J February 7, 2005
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to engage in sexual penetration involving in any available hole and then stretch it beyond unimaginable limits.
"did you see Ryan Bosh today?" - Caveman 2044

"no, why?" - Chalupa

"cuz Bosh got boshed in his bosh-hole....deep."
by nohj March 22, 2004
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boshing is slang for smashing, spiffing, great. It basically means that you are okay or that the music you are listening to is good etc.
"how are you Jane?" "Me? i'm well boshing!"
by algaLeslison August 30, 2009
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A Ghetto word
A girl that does anything with a boy. (Sexually)
basically means they fuck anyone.
in other words.. a hoe/slut/whore

'eurghh man shes a bosh'

by unknownzzz November 2, 2007
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The act of doing bosh, usually achieved by swallowing a small quantity of 'bosh'. Larger amounts are highly recommended by tru-boshman, but advised against by the NHS. A group of boshers seeked help for this affliction by phoning the government help line for bosh, Talk to frank.

Frank however was unable to help, and was quickly overwhelmed with boshyness. Some say where frank failed, boshmen succeed.

He's bloody boshing again!
by Uncle bosh January 25, 2009
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1. term of acknowlegement at good deed or act. emphasises satifaction with something that had occurred. similar to 'back of the net'
2. acknowledgement of verbal put down similar to 'burn'
1. man i well just managed to pick up t in the park tickets!!! BOSH!!!
2. your ma was well tight last night..... BOSH!!!
by ts83 December 8, 2006
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Bosh/Boshing/Bosch/Bosching -

A derivative of Bosch but spelt in this manner as a way to make it easier to understand for the "common folk".

Particularly common phrase in the South West of England concerning the "formal act" of "kanoodling" but when done "informally" is considered pleasurable and something that should be regular engaged in.


Bosh/Boshing/Bosch/Bocshing -

A derivative of Bosch but spelt in this manner as a way to make it easier to understand for the "common folk".

Particularly common phrase in the South West of England concerning the "formal act" of "kanoodling" but when done "informally" is considered pleasurable and something that should be regular engaged in.
Alasdair decided that the English had perhaps discovered the answer to the meaning of life when Gary returned from his vacation in Bristol and expressed that "Boshing" had recently been named as the top contender by "Hello Magazine" as the #1 way to meet the "man/woman of your dreams. Pamela piped up and added "I boshed, I conquered, I went for a bike ride".
by loveandlaughter September 14, 2014
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