noun: A women or girl that is totally gross or not fit to be hitting on.
No way man, she is totally a bosely.
by aquaDome5 July 9, 2010
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The group of people that have good Bose headphones and are proud owners of them. Ex: having a Bose A20 in an aviation school would make you a part of Bose gang, simply because you own and operate a pair of Bose A20s
I got some A20s! BOSE GANG!!!!!!!!!
by LOL_Planes August 22, 2018
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A good, kind hearted person, shy and creative
Arvind Bose we love you.
by Creative cute November 24, 2021
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Playing very low notes on a bass guitar so loud as to shake a Bose amp from its foundation.
"Sorry about that track. My bassist was just Bose bouncing."
by Fish126 February 27, 2009
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A highly reputable american audio corporation,made possible by genius Dr. Amar G. Bose,that sells quality/technologically advanced equipment,with an enormous worldwide fan base,while being hated only by envious "audiophiles" that are just upset that nobody wants their 25k a pair dinosaur junk taking up half a living room,oh and don't forget those "special" dinosaur cables! (another 3.5k).
So sick of audiophiles snake oil bullshit,from now on whenever i see one,i'm going out of my way to inform them of my great satisfaction with my Bose gear.
by Black hole 1982 July 23, 2022
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‘Bose’ is the nickname for the name ‘Abosede’. It is pronounced ‘Buh-Seh’ with an American accent. It is pronounced ‘Baw-seh’ with a traditional Nigerian accent. Either is acceptable.
Random: Hey Bose! Why did your parents name you Bose?
Bose: Hey! My full name is Abosede. Bose is the nickname for Abosede!
by Dabestucanbuy November 26, 2021
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A synonym Of "Bloke". Used as "Boseman" to refer to Bri ish Twats, Can Also be used as a ball, stemming from its origin. Was originally a mishearing of "Ball" by Boseman Luigi Whilst Kicking Balls With cars.
Look at that batty Boseman, Lil Odd that bloke.
by House Balcony January 14, 2021
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