jonny : yeah I did bang her
Steve : did you use a blob?
by mr X March 27, 2005
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verb. To cry, especially to cry uncontrollably.
When I heard that Robin Williams killed himself, I just started blobbing all over the place.
by orphantasy November 7, 2014
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something that looks like a dot but is made up of words and instructions that never stop
a circle thats colored in with words which looks like a blob
by poop shoot sally March 2, 2011
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Wearing the same color top as you are pant.
I grabbed a black t-shirt and black sweatpants to wear to bed and Stephanie told me I was blobbing.
by Nowskilicious November 7, 2011
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1. to inject silicone, saline, or air into one's penis.

2. to create collages and nonspecific art pieces involving pictures of silicone, saline, or air injected penises.

1. the male genitalia itself post silicone, saline, or air injection.
1. "I'm going to blob myself tonight after dinner up in my room."
2. "I blobbed on my computer last night 'til the sun came up."

1. "Did you see the size of that guy's blob?"
by H_steele March 7, 2010
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a forgotten blog that has not been updated for over six months.
If you have written the words, "Sorry, I have been so busy, will be back soon" on your blog, it will soon become a "blob". And you are now officially a "blobber".
by knockgav December 9, 2010
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(v.) to blob. to move in a drunken stupor in a way very similar to an aoemeba or a blob of goo. to roll/slide around shapelessly and unbalanced when extremely wasted or just very fat.
Joe had so much to drink that he kept blobbing off the couch onto the floor.

Ted blobbed into the room after downing 25 shots of tequlia and practically melted onto the bed.

Bob was so fat he had to blob out of his chair since his legs couldnt support him.
by whoopie October 24, 2007
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