A word used in Red vs. Blue from Rooster Teeth Productions. The word was said by the great destroyer, an alien named crunchbite. The name was later changed to fluffy. The alien that only loves.
Caboose: I think I will call him "crunchbite". Andy: Ahhh, that’s a stupid name. Caboose: Ahh, well, I think its better than your suggestion, crunchbite is---. Church: Caboose, who are you talking to---Holy Shit! Crunchbite: blarg!
by Vick Hewitts October 29, 2006
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While it is almost impossible to decipher one true and absolute meaning for Blarg, there is a basic understanding of it's fundamental implementations:

1) An utterance of complete bafflement (as noted many times the author of such bafflement may remain speechless with only the word "blarg" comprehensive for some amount of time)

see also: confuzlement

2) A vocalization of complete disgust. A short pantomime of a vomiting sound. In this case you might want to draw the "blarg" out more to sound like a more authentic vomiting sound.

3) A short sigh expressing sadness and frustration in the same instant.
A What's that you say? Kathy Bates fully nude, awesome!
B blarg!
by Gavin November 30, 2003
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1. Originally an expression of angst or confusion.
2. Sometimes also used as an explitve.
3. Has also been used as a universal word in place of any other word.
4. In some circles, Blarg has taken the upon the meaning of Nay, or No.
"All those in favor say Shoosh! Those opposed say Blarg."
"This is all Blarg" "All I have to say is, Blarg!"
by Thomual September 18, 2005
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Pronounced: Blarg-ing

Noun(s): Blarg

Spouting off ignorance or Making

Nonsensical remarks
Guy 1: Colby’s blarging again bro..
Guy 2: what a blarg.
Guy 3: oh god he just blarged all over your patio
by didyoudirrtyy March 11, 2019
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A statement of frustration or other forms of displeasure.
(Player 1 dies)
Player 1: BLARG!
by Argothin December 31, 2008
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The single greatest word in the history of the universe. Incredibly versatile, can be used in nearly any situation. Also, the exact opposite of hingo.
"Blarg! That was awesome!"
"Awww, blarg, that was terrible."
"Blarg is good."
by Gary August 29, 2004
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from the Olde Alien "blarge"; yes
Church - "Does 'blarg' mean yes?"
Alien - "Blarg"
Church - "Holy shit! I speak alien!"
by Leonard.Church June 6, 2009
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