A blackhole so massive that it can swallow an entire galaxy.
'Several hypermassive blackholes, at the centre of different galaxies merged to create a blackhole so large that it became a galactic apocalypse blackhole, which swallowed an entire galaxy whole, but even that's nothing compared to a universal apocalypse blackhole.'

(Please read my definition of a hypermassive & universal apocalypse blackhole).
by DianaLuciusDeCollis July 30, 2022
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'Some say that The Big Bang was an explosion so massive that it tore one of the largest holes throughout space: A universal core blackhole, (aka. The Great Attractor)-located. at the centre of the universe and which has a gravitational pull so strong that all the galaxies orbit it.'
by DianaLuciusDeCollis July 30, 2022
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A blackhole so large that it can swallow the entire universe.
'The universe grew so cold that all the stars faded into blackholes, merged and eventually grew into one so massive that it became a universal apocalypse blackhole, which swallowed the entire universe.'
by DianaLuciusDeCollis July 30, 2022
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When someone has read your text but doesn’t respond
I turn my read receipts off so no one can cause me of blackholing them.
by InsideJokester April 7, 2018
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a woman who leads you on and teases you that there is a chance at romance, but all attempts and moves made are met with humiliation and rejection. they convince you that they need more time and effort and one day there will be something great. so you then give lots of emotional energy, money, support. and attention. after a while emotionally you get sucked into a field where its very difficult to escape. the sunken cost fallacy has you addicted like a granny on a rigged slot machine in hopes of winning the grand prize, there love and affection, when there is no chance of winning. Also if you try to leave the relationship they will make you feel like a terrible person for wanting to leave and will try to keep you sucked in. they also at any moment, when they are bored can throw you away like its no problem, usually after they find a new victim who they will use to rub in the final killing blow, tearing you apart.

everything you throw into this relationship gets sucked in with very low, to no chance at all of anything ever being returned in the slightest. even light cannot escape the blackhole. stay with a black hole for to long and they will suck out your inner light.

long term affects destroys your self worth, making you feel like a loser. will lead to many long lasting mental health issues and traumas . Avoid and Escape the blackhole at all costs.
stay away from that caitlyn elizabeth she is a blackhole. she will suck your soul out and also gets off on messing with peoples heads for fun.
by suviver April 13, 2020
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A blackhole that was created by a dying (exploding, collapsing, etc.) universe.
'The previous universe grew so cold that all the stars faded into blackholes, merged and eventually grew into a universal remnant blackhole, which was so massive that it swallowed the entire universe, but fear not for a new universe could be reborn from it.'
by DianaLuciusDeCollis July 30, 2022
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