A girl who loves pie, nandos sauce and bread. She has the voice of an angel and a pair of scrumptious dimples. She also loves finger sauce and wants the surname Power.
That Beth girl, she sure loves pie.

Wow Beth calm down, you're going to drown that chicken in nandos sauce.

I've just done a Beth and eaten sauce off my finger.
by The one who loves bagels. March 26, 2010
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“Have you heard of Beth?”

“The one that used to eat glue?”

“Yeah, she ate paint the other day”
by tomthebug November 22, 2021
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Beth is a girl who has many friends but her friends don’t like her. She is positive, smart, but sometimes goes crazy!
That is Beth.
“Beth is very insane.”
by 우빈 October 26, 2018
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A girl (or even a guy) who is in your circle of friends that shows up to the bar with her hair wet, has flip flops on, and is part of the friends group because she is the plain one who is there to take pictures of the other girls. She scrolls through Instagram looking for "cute" ideas of how to take pictures of her friends for Instagram.

If you don't think you have a "Beth" in your group of friends then you are the Beth.

Origin: This name meaning was given by some comedian that is a writer for the Jim Jefferies show. His name was forgotten but his definition of the name Beth will live on.
Hey Beth can you take a pic of us?

Look at Beth over there scrolling insta....
Oh my God Beth! I have a double chin in that photo.
by sashields1027 March 25, 2019
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Beth is a kind and loving girl but she think so low of her self. She thinks she is fat and ugly and has the voice of a cricket but in real life she has the most beautiful voice and she only has 1-3 close friends
Friend :"hey Beth you look amazing in that dress!"
Beth:"no you look more amazing than me 💙"
by Doki dokiliteratureclub March 10, 2018
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Beth is the cutest American who always insecure of her boyfriend/girlfriend
Beth is beautiful
by November 19, 2018
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Beth is 18🤪 years old
by Buttlickincougar January 23, 2021
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