Dude, you're bashing it right now. You're totally not sailing our ship into the beach, or nightmaring it.
by thatonedudefrommixer April 29, 2018
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In the RC world, bashing is racing without rules or regulations. It is just driving and testing the limits of your RC car or truck. Bashing includes making high jumps and not worrying too much about the landing. Wrecks are not something to be avoided but rather something to laugh about.
Hey my white friend, we should totally do some bashing this weekend.
by evolz October 18, 2009
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bash was short for bay area skinheads in the 1980's a gang of racially concious skinheads who did some stupid things,but also helped combate anti-white bias and gang relate crimes against whites. also a group of skinheads in brooklyns avenue n park used the name bash short for brooklyn area skinheads

probably the majority of sf's bash members are now gash -gay aryan skinheads lol
by NLR718 July 15, 2006
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When playing Sea of Thieves and you crash into an island or beach your ship while pretending you are perfect.
Sailor: "Look at me bashing it right now!"
*Sailor then proceeds to hit an island, beaching the boat and causing the boat to get holes in it*
by Noigtmar May 3, 2018
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to snort, comes form the act of grinding a pill/coke until it's in a powdery form suitable for snorting
Let's go bash a line

Let's go bash up this pill
by ihateapplesandsalt September 20, 2008
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A combination of the words "Bang" and "Smash".
Friend: what are you doing tonight?
Me: Hopefully gonna bash that one chick!
by Tweak578 November 23, 2011
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I went to her house to bash.
by T Kato October 22, 2003
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