When something is good but you really don't understand the hype. Like, bacon is good and all, but why do some people lose their shit over it? similar to 'overrated' (which is used way too much as a way of discrediting something without having to give a proper justification, most often when someone finds they have a disliking for a popular phenomenon and is resentful of those who embrace it.) but the difference is you're not an asshole and can let others like something without shitting on it just to be a hater. because you realize that it is good, but want to voice your opinion that it's not as good as all the hype.
Steve: hey babe, what do you want for dinner?
Monica: OMG lets get In-N-Out, I've been thinking about it all day since Becky had some for lunch at work!
Steve: In-N-Out? alright, but I don't understand why you like it so much. it's bacon to me.

other things that are bacon;
lady gaga
taylor swift
kanye west
the office
game of thrones
DC comics
by nagaashi February 13, 2018
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no one can resist the taste of Bacon.. it's just too good
by FallingDownInDarkness December 29, 2011
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The labia of the vagina.

Inner or outer and ranging in appearance from tiny and tidy, through streaky, to full medallions and at the extreme - pieces which someone has attempted to chew, choked on and had to be Heimliched and kept in hospital overnight as a precaution.
I was reading the Victoria's Secret catalogue trying to pick my favourite model, one of them was far more beautiful than the rest but you could tell she had excessive bacon and it made the process so much more taxing.
by Mr. Cardboard July 4, 2012
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Porky, salty, greasy goodness for any time of day.

see also Kevin Waltman
I could totally go for some bacon right now. Mmmm..hot, salty and greasy in my mouth.
by The Shiny Apple May 20, 2011
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The most tastiest food on earth, humans drool at the sight of it. The smell is incredible, only comes second to the taste. bacon can be eaten just about anytime and at any place. Any sane person could not turn down bacon if offered.
I am eating a bacon sandwich.
I love bacon.
I wanna have sex with bacon
by the moose! February 10, 2010
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