A common term used by girls during text messages or in the process of making friends. It stands for BEST FRIENDS FOREVER, BUTT FUCK FRIENDS, BIG FAT FUCK.
Your my BFF now lets go do some fun stuff with each other at the mall or in the bed.
by AeilSpear October 15, 2007
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A group of people who occasionally preform anal sex in the bum.
You are the best BFFs ever!!!!! Bart, ive known you long enough now, wanna be BFFs ;)
by Hay Gangster Child September 12, 2010
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"Best female friend"

Differs from BF, which means "boyfriend."
I'm throwing a bachelorette party for my bff next week.
by Astergirl August 15, 2005
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Butt Fucking Friends. BFF's are friends that routinely engage in anal sex with one another.
Me: "Have you seen Ted and Steve?"

other person: "They wanted some alone time they are BFF's"
by iantmcg December 19, 2011
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