Soulja Boy's Bitch. A Nigga who looks very soft.
Hey I Always See A Gay Lookin Guy With Soulja Boy and he only speaks 1.2% of the time

Thats Arab
by That Boy Crunk Up November 14, 2007
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A supporter of the Dundee United Football Club which is based in Tannadice Park in the city of Dundee, Scotland. The team itself is known as the Tangerines due to the bright orange colour of their strips. Founded in 1909, originally as a team for the local Irish Catholic community, Dundee United has since widened its appeal. Arabs perhaps haven't always been the happiest of supporters because their chosen team has usually taken on the role of underdog, but apparently they have a 100% record against Barcelona in competitive European ties. Arabs may or may not speak Arabic as their first language but generally they speak English or Scots, albeit, if they come from Dundee, most likely a peculiar form of speech found only within the confines of that city.
gadgie 1: "Which fitba team d'ye suppor'?"
gadgie 2: "Am an Arab."
gadgie 1: "Aye, me too. A' the other teams are shite."
by arealdunbarpoo December 8, 2011
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group of people who share common cultures from Middle East and speak Arabic. Those are Arabs by and from birth. You can be converted to Muslim but not Arab. ALL arabs being muslim is misconception. The majority of muslims are dwelling in Asia. And not all arabs are terrorists. That is a racial misconception from ignorant people. The very same racist crap that Hollywood and the media use to buffer their hate on a single group of people.
Arabs look and come in different physical characteristics as well as in person. As there are bad Arabs and good Arabs, there are good Americans and bad Americans. Arabs need to be treated fairly.
by T-Kim October 29, 2005
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Soulja Boy's sidekick. He is also next to blow up on Collipark music.
I'mma pass to Arab. I'mma pass to Arab.
by The Mayne October 13, 2007
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Yeah Arabs may not be a race but that don’t stop white people (well most Americans) from throwing us into a category. They fuckin label us as terrorist and afraid we going to blow up the plane they about to get on.
So fuckin tired of getting looks at the airport...... No bitch i do not have a bomb or a box cutter on me
by angryarab March 31, 2005
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Guys, PLEASE, PLEASE, stop being so racist to these people.
I live in the middle east and i have ALOT of arab friends, and they are GOOD PEOPLE. Most of them speak english so i was able to interact with them easily. They are NORMAL people, just like Americans, or people from Britain, or people from Canada, or WHATEVER. They laugh, they joke, they socialize, they go to school, they have jobs ( and let me add that most of them do their jobs WELL), they are NOT terrorists, and just cuz someone is arab, doesnt mean theyre not a good person. Yeah, some people have done bad stuff, like murder, or suicide, or robbery, but every country has that. EVERY SINGLE ONE, OK? Andd I know when you all think of arabs, you picture someone in ur head, wearing some sort of rag on their head, waving a stick in the air and screaming " F$(#$ AMERICA!" I dont blame you. This is what all the (FAKE) news reports say about them, but have u actually met, or spoken to, an average arab? Probably not. So stop judging them, please. Theyre nice people.
" Hey, why were ya speakin to him? He's a freaking arab."
" So?"
" Theyre terrorists!!"
" Nah, hes a nice guy."
" But he's arab"
" Doesnt mean he's a bad person."
" Well... ok"
by ahemahem December 31, 2010
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