Amara keeps leaving Dominic’s ass licked out from rimming and Dominic’s cock and balls sucked and

face fucked and gagged and and choked

on and deepthroated and jerked off and

spit on and licked and stroked until he cums a few times

Amara loves dick riding dominic and rimming

him Amara really takes pleasure in making dominic cum from rimming amara is one of the sexiest freakiest women alive she loves dick riding dominic in the freakiest sex positions And is always trying to cheer Dominic up after she just dick raped Dominic yeah amara is so hot one of the best which is probably why dominic is always down to have sex with her
Damn did amara is so fucking sexy my buddy had to go to the bathroom to throw his draws away
by Royal fuckery🗡👑 May 11, 2022
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Takes pleasure in leaving Dominic’s ass licked out and his cock and balls sucked and face fucked and gagged and deepthroated and jerked off and spit on and licked until he cums this is the name for the sweetest nicest sexiest woman alive she loves dick riding dominic in the freakiest sex positions she’s always dick raping Dominic rimming dominics ass and making dominic cum mostly on himself or her amara has the perfect body award winning actually 🥇
Damn amara I fell like you turned Dominic our fam
by ffffffffuck me 2020 May 30, 2022
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Loves making dominic cum from rimming him trying to turn him out
I think amara is tryna turn dominic out
by ffffffffuck me 2020 May 14, 2022
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A very beautiful, talented girl who puts herself down too much and has more ability in one of her bones than most people do in their whole bodies. Oh, and she’s cute and funny.
Hey Amara, please don’t judge me for this but…
by hdidkemzlsps June 12, 2021
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A naive small person who's best friends are animals and librarians.

Not to be confused with Samara, a scary dead girl who will indeed kill you after 7 days.
One day Amara was at the zoo playing with the armadillos, when all of a sudden two of them began to make babies. "What in the world is that?" she asked naively.
by monsterloaf October 24, 2006
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a crazy dumb bitch is if freakin stupid. love dick and don't do pussy for nobody. freaky asf. kinda cute. she gotta ass. has crazy ass friends (zahhhhhhdahhhh) will stay up till 6am talking abt how u miss ur bf and u saw him 6 hrs ago and will tell you ur freakin stupid because if you go to sleep tome will go by faster.
Mannnn have u heard about Amara she fucked Aaron. He said she freaky asf.
by bobby_88 March 12, 2020
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Amara star love johnhenry so much
Amara star misses johnhenry all the time and just love him so much
by The guy Amara loves fr June 19, 2023
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