Masters of three-chord rock.
Seriously, AC/DC fucking blows. Their lyrics suck, and both Bon Scott and Brian Johnson sound like 80 year olds who've smoked all their lives.
by your Lord and Savior August 26, 2007
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Bisexuality. AC/DC is the name of a rock band but is also used to describe electric equipment that runs on either alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC).
"Hey man, who'd you make love to - Brian or Bella?"
"The two of them. You know I swing both ways dude, I'm AC/DC!"
by Hippiehop December 23, 2010
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A rock 'legend' band that just doesn't seem to want to admit that thier not young and popular and continue to pump out more songs about 'rock and roll' (What a suprise) and dance around in the same outfits they wore 36 years ago, being totally oblivious to ageing and seem to belive their immortal. Another Status Quo just not at the mummification and reincarnation stage yet.
''Remember that AC/DC song released in 1977 'Let there be rock?''
''Yeah, have your heard some of the new tracks on the new album, you know like 'Rock n' Roll Train' and 'She likes Rock n' Roll' and 'Rock n' Roll Dream' and 'Rocking all the way''
''Is it just me or are the songs..kind of the same..and have been...for the last 36 years?''
''Yeah...Is Angus Young still wearing that school boy outfit?''
''Yeah, It's kinda gross now''
by Evil Hippo June 4, 2009
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A band that has been critically acclaimed, but all their songs sound the same since they've been milking the Back In Black type song forever. All their music consists of a simple beat with an easy as hell guitar riff. This shows that all other band's good music from this bands golden age is too complicated for people's ears, making it a simple default for people too say that AC/DC is their favorite band. This band is similar to Led Zeppelin.
AC/DC Fanatic: "OMG, Back In Black, Big Jack, and Hells Bells are all awesome songs!"

Regular Person: "That's because they're all the same fucking song idiot."
by Cock Mutha Fucks September 1, 2010
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Alternate Current/Direct Current
while mostly used in physics referring to electricity, the term is also used to describe bisexual tendencies.
"Why is that band's name 'ACDC'?"
"Dunno, dude...maybe they were AC/DC."
by Jizzle-ulu October 12, 2003
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A band based in the UK, signed to an American record label, that is made up of British born musicians yet seems to somehow get repeatedly referred to as “an Australian rock band”.
Person in Australia at pretty much any time in the last 30 years: “Cool my American visa has come through, now I’ll get to see AC/DC live”
by ppsseeuuddoonnyymm September 17, 2013
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a mental disorder that is a combination of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). usually found in young teens. stands for Attention Compulsive Deficit Complex. basically, it is someone who can't listen for a long time and washes their hands a lot.
Jessi has such AC/DC!!!
by SVU~FREAK February 14, 2006
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