pedo bear
fun loving kid raping bear
used to express pedo-ism or satisfaction that u just owned/raped someone
after a halo match with final score as 100-0:
100:we totally owend u! u guys suck! :3
by cody young November 25, 2007
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Commonly mistaken as a "cute face", :3 is actually a symobol used when you want to Tea bag someone.

*Tea bag - To perform the tea bag, have the girl lay flat on her back. Then you squat over her with your hands on your knees, and gently dip your nut sac in and out of her mouth in a motion similar to performing some kinda fucked up yoga exercise. (curtesy of Dirty Provebs dot com)
<h0r> :3
<Lethal> Why do you always stick my balls in your mouth? :(
<h0r> Because I love to be tea bagged!
by Lethal November 28, 2004
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Commonly mistaken as a cat face by cat lovers all around the world, this is actually a bunny face, expressing happiness and pleasure in a cute, innocent way, like bunnies are.
by Electryone November 18, 2014
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Contrary to popular belief, :3 is not a coy cat, but in fact, a seal.
amonrei: :3 , kanbei: NO SEAL FACE , twilightnoir: JESUS CHRIST.
by david grummons April 13, 2008
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It's supposed to be a smile face, representing cuteness, the face that anime characters make sometimes ,but in fact it's used as a dirty or rape face
Him : what are you doing

Her : nothing.. Just home alone... :3

Him : I wanna do something to you.. :3
by TheCleverOneGirl April 24, 2016
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