An even more hyperbolic variant of The 50-50-90 Rule. In a situation where a subject has a 50/50 percent chance of getting something right, they will get it wrong 100% of the time.

This "rule" was popularized within the Super Mario Maker troll level community by popular Twitch streamer CarlSagan42, and is just one example of a reoccurring joke designed to showcase how easy it is to fool the average player into doing something wrong.
Player: *decides to collect a powerup which the level kills them for in the next room* "It's LITERALLY The 50-50-100 Rule. This happens EVERY time!"
by GNFZ April 7, 2021
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Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right,there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.
Person 1: Did you hear about Teddy ?
Person 2: Yeah, he was screwed over by the 50-50-90 rule while trying to argue with his girlfriend.
by Bubble Juice September 10, 2009
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A 50/50 bar is a cup filled with sunkist and Captain Morgan
That 50/50 bar tasted like the actually thing.
by Adp_awesome April 22, 2011
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A 50/50 Day is when you’re having a day that isn’t great, but also isn’t terrible. Some good and bad came out of the same day.
Person 1: Hey, how has your day been?
Person 2: Eh, I’ve had a 50/50 Day.
Person 1: Why’s that?
Person 2: I got a promotion at work, but when I left for the day I noticed someone had scratched the whole front end of my car while backing into their parking space.
by BakedOwl August 31, 2019
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Also know as "It's worse than loosing 50/50"
A sentence originating from a game called Genshin Impact, and is used when something is really bad.
Person 1: How bad is it?
Person 2: Worse than loosing 50/50
Person 1: *Gasps in horror*
by Golden Fish of DOOM! March 9, 2022
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When a person's smile is 50% gum and 50% teeth
Jim: Yeah I kissed that girl, but she had a 50/50 smile
Mike: Kissed a bunch of canines did ya?
by therealbluslayah May 19, 2023
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