This may be possibly the best way to break up with a girl if you are sick of your relationship. Message the chic and get her to stand on an exposed street corner (not near any trees or posts that may get in the way). Organize a friend to drive past her while you hang out the back window of the vehicle and yell 'YOUR DUMPED HOE'. As she looks up, throw a full 2 liter bottle of Coke at her face hard, so it hits her and drops her to the foot path. Then get your friend to spin the wheels and speed off... Another option is to throw the bottle of Coke at her box; this has the advantage of leaving her with a mung hole.
Pete: I hate going out with Gemma-Rae she is a complete skank.
Trent: Why don't you have a divine break up with the cunt of a thing.

After our divine breakup, Sonique couldn't find a new boyfriend because of her obscene mung hole. What a stupid bitch!
by the gayzelle September 4, 2009
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There are a few things you can do to accomplish this goal- first and foremost though, you need to bang a new girl(s). DO NOT, however, get a new girlfriend. This only exudes desperation and is a sure fire way to lose the breakup, miserably. Your Ex will think even less of you than when they broke up with you (another tip to win the breakup- initiate the breakup).
And if you do get a new girlfriend quick, make sure that they are at least better looking than your Ex, so your Ex isn't glad to see you stoop to new lows.
Bro 1: Dude she got right into another relationship. And with that guy? Damn, desperado much?
Bro 2 (initiator of breakup): Yeah, what a joke. She says she's winning the breakup. I call yet another victory in this breakup.
Bro 1: Yeah. That's just sad. You've definitely won the breakup.
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A coma that follows from a depressing breakup, and the unplugging of the life support shortly follows.
David had broken up with his girlfriend, and shortly after he fell into a breakup coma.
by bani20 January 15, 2021
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the collaborative, amicable and (ironically) emotionally connecting ending of a relationship done when emotionally mature, emotionally healthy people respectfully acknowledge their differing wants and needs and agree together within a context of mutual respect to end the aspects of their relationship which do not serve them, sometimes enabling them to part as friends with love in their hearts.
Mature people in love who find that they just aren't right for each other don't have to find some bullshit reasons to hate each other to justify ending the relationship, they can recognize what isn't working and communicate, to have a companionate breakup.
by Creative Suggestions May 18, 2015
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A photo of yams sent to one in which you wish to break up, reject, or friend-zone, or someone you simply just dislike.
I don’t want to continue with this relationship yet I am not ready to send the breakup yams.”
by Mr. Quill April 18, 2019
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The sadness one feels after a breakup. Usually felt by but not limited to one of the partners (often the partner who has been broken up with). Characterized by crying; blaming oneself; feeling rejected; either losing one's appetite or eating everything in sight; shooting angry glances at happy couples; and cursing at anything related to love including movies, pictures, quotes, and wall posts.

Although these are typically unisex characteristics of the breakup blues, there are some gender-specific characteristics, including eating lots of chocolate (female), refusing to leave the house (female), comments about becoming a cat lady and/or never finding love again (female), listening to lots of Taylor Swift (female), and drinking alone (male). Males function normally when sad.
Girl 1: "Do you think Taylor Swift listens to her own songs after a breakup?"

Girl 2: "Probably. I heard that after Joe Jonas broke up with her, she didn't wash her hair for a week and bought a kitten as well as a sweater with cats on it."

Girl 1: "Poor thing. She had the breakup blues. When my roommate and her boyfriend broke up, she cried in her car every morning and yelled at a Jason Mraz song."
by c&o December 23, 2012
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Verb- the action of having sex with several different people post breakup in order to get over your ex.
"My ex is still living in my house. I hope he's okay with other guys coming over a lot, because I breakup bang like crazy"
by Tweakersmakegooddonuts May 4, 2016
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