When a person is heavily stressed and / or volatile
Mark: woah, James is on tight pins today.
Ana: I know, best to give him some space to cool down.
by StyxxOBread October 9, 2023
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When someone is stressed to the point of being aggressive and rude.
Mark: James is on tight pins today, best to leave him alone for a bit
Ana: sounds good. We can give him some time to cool off
by StyxxOBread October 9, 2023
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Not pinning anything on Pinterest, then re-pining 50+ items in one sitting, clogging followers updates with your Pin-Run.
Eg: "Darren must be bored at work today, did you see his Pin-Run?!"
by Hilldizzle October 29, 2012
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When someone is hair pinned and wear it as horizontal as possible to represent they are holding weed but not willing to sell it, but usually know a guy who does.
That guy in the blue Bennie is horizontal pinned, so he must know someone to be able to hook us up.
by South/eastbaylivin March 28, 2015
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To inject anabolic steroids such as testosterone, trenbolone, deca, masteron, etc
That big ass dude in the Darc Sport tank is definitely pinning tren
by pkelly21 November 9, 2021
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A post that's kept at the top of someone's account on a social media platform, typically Twitter.
Why is the flag of North Korea in your pinned Tweet? Very sus, my guy.
by Kelvinnkat February 2, 2022
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pinned In verbal usage it can be used to describe something that is taken/done or guaranteed. Used in emojis as 📌 and can be used as an emoji starter to further a point being made
Verbal- Aye is the girl from French pinned? Damn straight she is!

Emoji- 📌beautiful , 📌all day everyday , 📌stunning
by Poppin Pedro November 22, 2018
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