Farts alot. Usually has smelly armpits. Asks people to check teeth and nose for shit and boogers. Sometimes gets lip rings to act tough. Almost always makes pauls jealous.
Did you smell that?

Smells like a Noah.
by redhairedwonder August 12, 2008
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A N00blet tree who lives in a cardboard box, and will be forever alone while Darrell and Jayda laugh at his hobo-ness.
Dude, Noah smells like butt.
Don't be a hobo like Noah
He's a bum
by dhkfsla January 4, 2012
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a fag who likes to start shit for no reason. no one likes him because he thinks he's better than everyone else. he's a total douche because he blames everything he does on someone else.
"Noah is a fucktard that people can't stand"
by I_am_your_daddy_69 March 20, 2016
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fat ass mother trucker that likes to 720 insta-swap on black ops 2, and play with his clan.(also cant spell)
by vex_slayer123 February 21, 2016
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Piece of garbage that has a sense of humor. He is sorta annoying when he wants to be. He has brownish blonde hair and brown eyes. He is very popular with his fellow students. He likes to draw. He loves hanging out with his friends. He is a good friend.
Hey, Noah, what's up?
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I really chill guy who is awesome at games and is a magnet to girls.
Girl whispering: "Who do you have a crush on?"
Friend: "Overall, I really like Noah ."
by BoyGetOutOfMyFace_ILiveIn December 6, 2017
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