A black bird that can mean bad luck.
A long time ago people saw crows as bad luck signs, most people still do believe if you see a crow it can mean bad luck
Person 1: bro a crow landed on my arm
Person 2: that can be bad luck you know!

Kid: I saw a bunch of crows they were really pretty
Parent: those black birds? Yeah those are pretty but there annoying
by _0KitKat0_ October 29, 2020
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a type of corvid, similar to the raven but smaller and probably less intelligent

or more commonly used to refer to a really gay dude
A: have you seen that crow last tuesday??
B: you mean the bird???
A: nah i meant edison, hes gay
by itzchat September 19, 2022
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Crow word is used by cringy chutiya people who have shit humor.
In telegram, nibba nibbi use this word to look cool when they know they are chutiya. Crow using people eat kauya biryani
Mujhpe simp crow
Mujhe bully mat crow, mai itna bhi bura nahi hu
by Itachi Bulla February 24, 2022
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An acronym that stands for "Current Resident of the Whitehouse", to be used by those people who are not able to make a direct reference to President Trump.
I am not sure what the CROW has in mind, but his recent Muslim ban has caused a huge issue throughout the world.
by Nipple master February 1, 2017
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Crow is a very country man with glasses who can get mad when they’re off. He been doing construction for years.
Did you see that Crow putting on my shingles to my house?
by TylonDaCrowLover December 20, 2022
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A super amazing guy, usually who has a red wooly beard. Probably a hillbilly. One whose vibes make you want to dosey doe with him at a ho down or a shindig.
by Hgfdz November 2, 2020
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