When a reply gets more likes than the tweet it responded to
Used to show how dumb the other's person tweet was
Someone: Says something dumb
Everyone: Ratio!!
by DiegoLainez10 May 6, 2021
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the quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of times one value contains or is contained within the other
The ratio between a person's income and their expenses will help determine how much money they can save monthly.
by captainmanticore August 19, 2022
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Privileged nerdy annoying kids , Who say “W” Or “L” ,

Another example.
“Hahaha loser!” *In really high toned squeaker voice” , “Ratio!”
by Eeeeeejx July 29, 2021
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a fucking stupid comeback people like to make, mainly middle school boys. I speak from experience, lmfao. kind of like the your mom jokes
1. your mom gay

2. some kid no one talks to- ratio (drum joke noise) like wtffff
by unusedhandlelmao January 6, 2022
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random mfs saying it without a reason
i had sex and you didn’t”
how tf
by 11/22/1963 March 31, 2022
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a "get out of jail" free card for coming up with a compelling and interesting argument, most people seem to forget that it only works on the internet. you fuckin losers.
person 1: orange juice is inferior to apple juice.
person 2: your wrong plus ratio.
person 1: its not an anime powerscalling tiktok comment section you jackass.
by dontwantarealname October 6, 2022
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A common insult used by Twitter users when someone disagrees with them. In other places its used by Edgy tiktok kids for attention
(Person has a logical opinion)
by Dababy?@$@^? February 19, 2022
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