When you cum in the air, and catch it with your stretched out nutsack, like a safety net.
I applied for Cirqe du Soleil after I perfected the safety Nut. My uncle was quite impressed.
by 997854543 July 31, 2020
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A female that is in a safety position within a company that sucks upper Managments dicks or owners that doesn’t understand there job.
Safety Barbie face print was found in the copier glass.
by Workplacefuckup November 21, 2017
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A phrase you say after you fart in order to protect yourself from the infamous doorknob call. If you fart and don't say safety before someone says doorknob, they're allowed to beat the living shit out of you until you touch a doorknob.
John: Safety!
Rick: Oh you fat cunt, that disgusting
John: Its a manky one haha
Rick: You bellend
by Prokaryotic Penguin May 20, 2020
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Somebody who is very much friend zoned. It’s like homie, gang etc. If you call someone Safety, they’re in friend zone for life.
Person 1: Hey babe, how are you?

Person 2: What’s good, safety?
by nikkakikka November 17, 2022
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A defensive black person who normally is positioned under the female during sexual interactions. This usually occurs when a black male has sexual interactions with an asian female, especially when the man gets her online for personal entertainment.
The man next door has Safety last night. It was horrific.
by ThisIsMemeCity360noscope21 December 13, 2017
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Yeah, harm is bound to happen.
Hym "I do not give a fuck about what your number 1 concern is. I am not here to keep you safe and I am not here to labor indefinitely for nothing. Your strategy of delay gratification to the grave isn't going to work on enough people for long enough and your safety is entirely dependent on whether or not someone is motivated to harm you."
by Hym Iam September 27, 2023
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