The act of eating a large, potentially lethal quantity of matter, edible or not, with a companion(s), on a whim. Not to be confused with an Eater Fetish, "Reedo-Bagos" those who undertake The Ole Reedo-Bago 1-2 actually find eating in front of others excruciating due to insecurities surrounding their eating disorders. Instead, Reedo-Bagos find pleasure in calling attention to their uncanny abilities to consume obscenely large quantities, often in short periods of time.
Hey did you see Larry Lasagna and Bootstrap Bagodonuts go live on Facebook to give the boys The Ole Reedo-Bago 1-2 in Florida over the summer? They took down $180 worth of Taco Bell.. Took the Uber Eats driver 3 trips to and from his Toyota. Good stuff."
by Bootstrap Bagodonuts October 21, 2020
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Football term in which two players do short passes
the goalie did 1-2-1-2 with the defender and they scored
by Duodoodle December 6, 2022
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2 for 1 is defined as you go out with one girl and invite the 2nd girl over to the house around 9 or so. The 2nd one knows that we're fucking if they come that late. The first one pussy is marinating cuz they be surprised I'm leaving someone so I end up fucking her another day. 2 hoes for 1 date
I had my first 2 for 1 last night as a 40 year old!
by Dale Wolf December 22, 2022
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when youre so bored you decided to write every key from left to right (including numpad) and also the shift versions of those keys.
man, im so bored, im gonna type `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+/*-qQwWeErRtTyYuUiIoOpP{}\|789+aAsSdDfFgGhHjJkKlL;:'"456zZxXcCvVbBnNmM,<.>/?123 0. into urban dictionary and see whats there!
by monokuma plush toy August 28, 2023
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the act in which a disgusting male or female inserts one finger, then two, and then a whole fist into the vaginal canal giving the woman a weird pleasure in her sleep because she was so drunk she didn't know what was occurring.
I can't walk today, I think someone gave me a 1, 2, 5 last night!
by American fisting association November 30, 2018
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3 2 1 hai sesiune loosely translates to: 3 2 1 hai sesiunepapidaRiuh 3 2 1 hai sesiunepapidaRiuh 3 2 1 hai sesiunepapidaRiuh 3 2 1 hai sesiunepapidaRiuh 3 2 1 hai sesiunepapidaRiuh 3 2 1 hai sesiunepapidaRiuh
yo 3 2 1 hai sesiune
kki m down
by finniewinnie December 8, 2020
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