A server (usually in Roblox) where no-one can swear or sin. They are usually run by homophobic idiots who think they need to protect their Good Christian Society from the dangers of LGBTQ people.

Now it is a meme and the LGBTQ community can sit back, relax and laugh at this wacky concept.
Tris: "No sinning on my server, Brian!"
Brian: "No intruding on my life, Tris!"
Tris: "But my Good Christian Server!"
by AcidHazard5 September 5, 2019
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A measurement of how good something is, greater than “pretty good
The vodka in my slurpee is titty good.
by Liljennyjen February 12, 2022
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Just like da "too good to be true" situation, this term refers to some wonderful item/service dat you will supposedly receive for nothing, but which you should seriously wonder if that is actually "all there is to it", or if there is some hidden proviso involved.
Da Bible claims dat you will receive happiness and riches beyond belief if you "just believe", but it sounds to me just like a "too good to be free" deal. God makes you endure a life of excessive toil and misery and abstinence first, so what good is that??
by QuacksO March 10, 2021
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Johnnys favourite sexual action, needs it daily to function
Johnny loves a good old fashioned rimjob
by Amiee3712 June 19, 2019
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Greeting someone with a head butt to the bridge of someone's nose
Colin gave Seamus the Belfast Good Morning and then we went out for pancakes
by Mick Graw June 6, 2022
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An exclamation of surprise when seeing something disgusting.
I explained, "Goodness grossness!" when the rather large when bent over and her phone peaked out.
by Kjahnke812 July 18, 2017
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A remark heard frequently in da White House during da Reagan years.
Ron Headrest couldn't really serve very effectively as commander-in-chief if about da only interaction wif other humans was to reply to da question, "Have a good nap, Mr. President?" As da "Satire From The Capitol Steps" song quipped, "But what good's a president... oh, what good's a president... yea, what good's a president --- if all he does is sleep? Duh-dum-duh-dom-duh-dum-duh-dom-duh-dum --- dum --- DUHMMM!"
by QuacksO January 29, 2023
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