Getting a blowjob in an ice fishing hut on a frozen lake
1: Hey did you hear what happened to steve last night?
2: No what?
1: He got a Minnesota brain freeze from sally in a fishing hut last night.
by November 18, 2020
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A girl from the north of the US but likes country music. Generally regarded as a bitch.
Person 1: “Sammy is such a Minnesota Cowgirl”
Person 2: “No, she’s a bitch
Person 1&2 “Both”
by Dickshunaree Eckspert July 5, 2021
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The act of convincing or attempting to convince someone that your personality and the current local temperature are both warmer than they actually are.
"My friends were Minnesota gaslighting me when they told me I wouldn't need a sweater but I later found out they just thought it was ugly and didn't want to be seen with me wearing it."
by PunditSquared December 13, 2021
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When a man shits in a girls pussy and then sucks it out of her
Last night Brad Gave me a Minnesota muncher
by Jew man afgan July 31, 2018
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A woman who engages in group and lesbian sex, whilst fooling her boyfriend into thinking that it’s only he she’s fucking. This type of women is hysterical and if she gives birth to your baby in the county of Anoka, she’ll use witchery to fool the judge into thinking that you are crazy whilst all the while, it’s actually her that’s as crazy as a loon.
Have you ever gone on a date with a Minnesota Renville? Oh you have? Did you notice the bruises and redness all around her lady parts? Whatever you do, don’t knock her up because she is so evil as to purposely keep the father out of the child’s life.
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