Being in a conversation, but not saying anything. Just kinda being there.
by YeBoiVoid March 23, 2021
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When a male has neglected throughly cleaning his penis for a good couple or three weeks leaving a fishy stench around the head of the chode. Though not a recognised medical condition , yet, many suffer from the disease. Tang is reminiscent of but is not limited to the following fishes; Cod, Haddock, Mackerel, Tuna, Salmon, Sardine, trout, red mullet etc. Common amongst both lazy people and top swordsmen in middle England, Scotland, N Ireland and Wales.
"Listen kid, I was sat stroking my schlong in the living room last night and man my cocky-fish Itus was playing up something nasty. My nan walked in and asked if someone had been cooking fish!"
by Mr R. ZOLE July 6, 2021
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A term that aquarium enthusiasts use to insult others. A person with no real value; a common or basic individual.
People who drink instagram drinks are total feeder fish.
by FiendishFishyFish March 18, 2018
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Not to be confused with the upper decker. Oklahoma ice fishing is while still taking a dump in the upper tank of a toilet you flush the remains of that mornings glorious evacuation of your bowels from the upper tank to the lower bowl and aim that meat stick while it's flowing full stream of glorious golden shower and try to shoot the little nuggets of excrement that flow through the holes of the lower toilet.
Went Oklahoma ice fishing this morning and let me tell you if they kept score I'd give r Kelly a run for his money.
by Shyguy001993 May 3, 2023
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oi its a little bri'sh thang lil leng ye mate lil wanka

o and also is food
"Oi do you want to go for fish'n'chips ay and then get a drink from the oldest inn in england ye?"
or you could say it like this
"Hi there do you want to go for fish and chips?"
by Anynomous #8526 October 20, 2022
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A fishy smell that gives Giovanni Torta flashbacks to a much darker time.
Hey Gio! Remember when you ate heaps of fish and chips ;)
by bonglord696969 July 18, 2019
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