Yass Queen Slay means your a Queen. And u can Slay every day 😜
Yass Queen Slay you ate and left no crumbs.
by April 25, 2022
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To take a shit, defecate, poo, empty your bowels.

Can be shortened to 'slay one'
Dude, I need to go slay a brown dragon, I'm about to explode.

Fuck man, I need to slay one.
by Skinzzz September 26, 2006
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v. To down an entire bottle of an alcoholic beverage of your own choosing. Beast refers to the old Irish way of referring to Alcohol as The Creature. Beast just happens to be a more hardcore animal euphemism, and since downing an entire bottle of alcohol is pretty hardcore...
1. During the 7-month shooting of the movie Animal House, John Belushi slayed more beasts than any frat boy during their entire college careers.

2. Ted: Oh my God! I caught my sexual partner Rosie slaying the beast! NOW I know why she sleeps with me!!!
by Grammar_Freak_17 April 14, 2008
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Are we hoggin' tonight Johnson? Nah man, I'm Slaying Mountain Lions. Or preferably,"I'm Slay me a Mountain Lion."
by Phillus Green August 24, 2007
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