A lady must consume a spicy meal wuch as an indian dish or anything south of the border. Preferably something she knows will give her diarrhea. She must then wait at least 6 hours before making the gravy.

After the six hours and her bowels start to grumble she must be inverted on her shoulders to create a bowl with her anus.

Her date must engage in anal sex and once he is ready to climax, he ejaculates on her anus. Then he mixes his semen with the juices made by the anal sex with his finger.

He then must lick his finger to sample it and feed the rest to the original chef.
by The fecal chef October 12, 2023
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What my friend Ben calls belly buttons
Hey show me your cinnamon dish you little stinker.
by Oldwhoremikey July 5, 2020
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To add cinnamon to something, often too much.
Ick, I can't eat this oatmeal! It's been over-cinnamonized!
by zero2onetwenty September 25, 2011
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A way better nickname for your other half other than "Bae, Boo, honey, sweetie" or anything else that is given to that person whom you love so dearly.
My girlfriend is my apple cinnamon bun, I love her to death.
by LittleMissWords-A-Lot November 18, 2016
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The best oatmeal ever created, no other oatmeal even comes close to how good it tastes.
Dude1: hey dude have you tried Apples and Cinnamon Instant Oatmeal?
Dude2: yeah bro its the best thing ever!
by Zeth the angery gay March 17, 2020
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