The one where if a dude claimed he got raped people wouldn't hesitate to question or laugh about his suffering/trauma, but if a female claims she got raped, people are expected to cry, march, protest, beat, kill, or a cut somebody's dick off for her, go to war, do something about it is one you don't hear about much from feminists. No wonder they keep so much power that way.
You tend to hear a feminist pick at the double standards that make them look brave, strong, and heroic more than you tend to hear about the ones that make them look cowardly, pathetic, and weak. Males don't have that luxury, despite all their push for what they think equality is. Their view of equality is that males have it made, and it's an unrealistic view.
by The Original Agahnim July 24, 2021
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A standard that works one way for one person or group, and another for a different person or group.
The reckless and careless girl that got in several severe accidents while driving intoxicated on ambien and alchohol or just drunk (and also got her dog hospitalized due to negligence) was the one posting public service announcements on all the electronic signs on a roadway about how people should drive safely or go to jail, drive drunk and lose their license, or to stay hydrated and not drive drowsy or sleepy, or preaching against cruelty to animals while asking for donations on TV ads. That's a lot like a mayor being on crack and having people arrested for smoking weed or any other drugs for that matter. Some people can poke fun at the double standard of another human and judge them, but don't want to get judged in return, they tell you don't judge me when they judge as much as everybody else.
by The Original Agahnim November 17, 2021
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A different standard for one person or group than another.
The double standard put a lot of red tape around what guys could and couldn't do to females, but little to no red tape around what females could and coudln't do to guys.
by The Original Agahnim November 2, 2021
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Asking other people an endless amount of questions to keep them from questioning you is trying to set expectations of them higher than you want them to set theirs for you (a double standard).
The girl could see and desperately try to pick at everyone's double standards but her own.
by Solid Mantis November 6, 2020
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Asking other people an endless amount of questions to keep them from questioning you is trying to set expectations of them higher than you want them to set theirs for you (a double standard).
The girl could see and pick at everyone's double standards but her own.
by Solid Mantis November 6, 2020
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A female that thinks she can handle you, but that you can't handle her. Feminists like to go by double standards all the time, feminism is based on its own double standards, and never seeing it.
The girl was a walking double standard who wouldn't know what to call people if they didn't let her know who and what she was. Like a parrot, she just repeated their words, since she thought everyone else was just teasing other people, like her.
by Solid Mantis January 4, 2020
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Something people often see in others, while rarely seeing their own.
The violence committed against a few females in prison about a hundred years ago happened to males in prison all the time, and calling a male one who had the spirit of a saint for bearing it would be laughable to most people, since its normal for males to fuck each other up. Its another double standard females use to try and make their lives and bodies seem to be worth more in the eyes of many than the lives of males. If a male dope dealer is a parasite, so is a female dope dealer, simple.
by Solid Mantis October 22, 2019
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