A non or partly-functioning government usually with several vacant ministerial posts and a caretaker Prime Minister, who can only do certain things until a successor is elected. Usually, this is seen as a reason that a general election must be called.
“We have a zombie government and a prime minister missing in action. The country deserves better during this time of national crisis.” - Christine Jardine, Liberal Democrat MP
by Bryn89 August 8, 2022
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Government cheese is MONEY that comes directly from the government.

The Cheese Heads of Green Buy aren’t crazy about cheese they are crazy about Government Money.

The Government does not make cheese. There is no Gov cheese factory making blocks of cheese. Thats gross.
Rich idiot: “Let’s make up dinosaur’s and then ask for Government Cheese to give us Money to research them”. Or “let’s create movies with Serial Killers in them then ask for Government Cheese to research the problem”. Or “buy more Government cheese with Chinas Money”.
by Brian schwisow January 22, 2023
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A movement that seeks to have a government run legal brothels in every major city.
by Judge dredd7 October 29, 2011
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Government taxis come in many forms, but most often they have some local common characteristics.
The larger variants include a separate traveling section for the customers.

Differing from other taxis the government pays for your trip. The pick up is available everywhere, but unfortunately they only stop in one place, a government provided accommodation service. The government taxi usually does not require a specific call, just break a showcase and wait.

On the trip you are usually accompanied by two people dressed in blue, to provide safety. They also usually assist you and walk you to your accommodation, even preparing the required paperwork.
Rian drank bit too much yesterday, so someone got him the Government Taxi.
by Urban Gnome October 27, 2021
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Motherfucker who likes woman.
"Age is Just a Number" They say.
This person has probably been sent to prison 3 times for sexual assault.
"Stay away from that daycare!"
Not another Govern...
by Yeetus_Deletus_You August 14, 2023
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Celebrating Christmas under government restrictions. This also implies that the government is making the people poor so Christmas is not as fun. This can also include other holidays, commonly interchangeable with the desired holiday or occasion or simply used to refer to the Winter season.
Gee. I hope our kids never have to go through another Government Christmas next year. Damn, we broke.
by Klueade December 22, 2020
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when the government randomly just loses a lot of money
yo did you hear the government colapsed government collapse
by gabbiesangel February 11, 2016
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