fucking in love with you.
"ill block every guy for u, i only want you"
- i love her
by hesmineonly March 27, 2023
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the complete optimal human, that harbours near super-seyan, god like powers. this being of pure power is male 110% of the time, and has no weakness except maybe his awesomeness has to be toned down when interacting with the rest of humanity just so our senses are not overloaded with awesome. often can be found having a mid morning brunch with Allah, Buddha or any other celestial beings of the like. it is rumoured that joe 'ill and god tossed a coin to see who had to make the world, though this has yet to be proven.
Person 2: yea, he must have been in contact with a joe 'ill recently had inhaled some secondary awesome.
by Militant_pigmi February 25, 2012
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Popularized by RinnoDaGoat on Youtube, Ill smack five outta you means I will take all 5 of my fingers and smack you into next week.
"Aye I bet I could beat cho ass." " Say some shit like that again and ill smack five out chu."
by UndercoverHoodlum August 18, 2022
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One with whom you share quality time only when you each have something mutual to bitch about, and the rest of the time you have little in common to talk about.
Mike's a good ill weather friend. I was home late last night because we spent half an hour bitching about the boss, even though most of the time we don't really have a whole lot in common.
by Altreus September 12, 2010
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Ill-mannered is a phrase of having bad manners, Lacking intelligence, or characteristics of a brat this word can be used as insults towards other people the word that is closed to it is the word unmannerly both of these words are like the same the difference in them are the definitions the opposite of unmannerly is showing good manners but in other words ill-mannered can be also used like having bad manners and not behaving properly well in social situations.
1. This person is so ill-mannered he is behaving like a buffoon.
2. What is wrong with this person? He is behaving ill-mannered in class he is just playing games all day with the lack of behaving well?

3. This person talks to me very ill-mannered and I am sick of it.
4. I cannot believe this I take him to acting class and he acts so ill-mannered.
5. This is a situation here and I see you are just laughing about it which makes you ill-mannered.
by Clock Clock March 12, 2021
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When you’re watching High School Musical at 4:00 in the morning while crying because you’re not content with your own love life.
Dude, for one, that’s hella gay, but also you’re mentally ill.
by angry birds luvr December 1, 2021
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